In this project, I used a lot of secondary source research. I did this as I found it alot easier and quicker to obtain whilst I was working on my development sheets. This meant that it was more efficient to use secondary source research than primary source. For my final pieces in both the 3D and jewelry workshops, I based them on things from my primary research such as my final piece for the jewelry workshop is based on some photos that I have taken myself of traditional architecture around Barnsley. For one of my A2 development sheets, I used and architectural model to create an accurate line drawing. I didnt enjoy doing this as the perspective and angle of the model I was drawing was constantly moving.
On my visual sheets, I developed my research by continuously adding to it. For example, my first ever development sheet (based on modern architecture) looked empty and as if I had rushed it, but as I progressed my sheets started to look better and better and were done at a higher standard.
In this project I did a lot of experimentation. I have done this by trying out new things such as experimenting with how I displayed things on my development pages. I showed this by cutting out pieces of paper to make 'windows' in my paper, showing things that were underneath. I also experimented with media, by mixing acrylic paints, watercolour paints, inks, coloured pencils and permanent markers. I have also experimented with my style of working by trying out different methods such as planning out my work before starting a sheet and also I tried just getting on with my sheets. Doing experiments such as these have shown me how I work best, which is planning my work before hand.
I looked at many particular styles of architecture such as Art Deco architecture and Moroccan architecture. I chose to look at different styles of architecture to ensure I got a wide range of ideas so I wasnt stuck for ideas when using my development sheets as inspiration. I chose to look at Art Deco architecture because it is something I personally like, along with Moroccan architecture.
Throughout this project, I feel that my improvement with my design sheets went well. This is because when I first started this project I found it hard to complete a single development sheet to a high standard but as I have gone on I have got better. To improve my work I would try to finish my development sheets that don't look finished or completed so that my work doesnt look rushed. If I was to change anything in this project, it would be to manage my time better so that near the end of the project I didnt rush my work.
In this project I dont think that I handeled my time properly as near the end of the project I began to rush my work. Although I didn't handel my time very well, it is something that I know to work on for my next project.
Overall, I am very satisfied with this project as it has given me ideas of what I need to work on for my future projects.
Classical Architecture Development Sheet |
Art Deco Development Sheet |
Famous Places Development Sheet |
Columns and Scrolls Development Sheet |